reception & placement

Helping refugees make a new home.

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When our refugee clients arrive in Buffalo, they are greeted at the airport by a Journey’s End case manager who has been preparing for their arrival. The case manager is there to make them feel welcome, safe and comfortable in their new home.

Journey's End clients come from a variety of backgrounds and have a range of needs when they arrive. Some arrive fluent in English, with experience living in urban settings and needing only initial support in areas such as employment and registering for school. Others arrive from more rural settings, without any knowledge of English or apartment living. We provide support, advocacy, and orientation for all our clients, no matter the need.


US Resettlement Program

The US Resettlement Program was founded in 1980 to serve a humanitarian function and to support domestic urban renewal.

Prior to resettlement, refugees must undergo a series of interviews with the State Department, United States Citizenship & Immigration Services and the Department of Homeland Security. All refugees are medically screened by a healthcare professional working for the US government before coming to the US. They undergo security clearance procedures and cultural orientation.

During the overseas screening and interview time, refugees are assigned to a national voluntary agency. The agency works with the Department of State's Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to ensure refugees receive and have access to the appropriate services upon arrival. Resettlement agencies, like Journey's End, are assigned clients through the national agencies. Journey's End is an affiliate of the national agency, Church World Service.


Contact the Resettlement Department

716-882-4963 ext. 252